Westinghouse Appliance Repair
ABA Appliance Repair, Inc. is a Westinghouse appliance repair company serving the greater Austin, TX area. If your Westinghouse appliances are in need of repairs due to being broken or just maintenance to ensure they will continue working for years to come, our team of experts are on hand to provide you with those services. Please select the appliance you have that requires service below.
About Westinghouse
Founded by George Westinghouse in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1886 as the Westinghouse Electronic Corporation and was a creator of electric production and transmission equipment. Through the years, many electronics were created including lighting, motors, and engines. They started making electric ranges in 1917 and by the 1950s were making refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines. Today the company only produces microwaves and smaller consumer appliances for the US market but continues to sell larger appliances in other countries. Visit their corporate site here: Westinghouse Corporation.
Customer Reviews, Testimonials, and Jobs Completed
Oven Repairs
Dishwasher Repair
Had an appointment to do dishwasher repair today at a home in Austin on Manchaca.
Dishwasher Repair
Finished a work order for a Dishwasher at Mr. H’s home in Austin.